Bounty Street, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK13 0BQ

01908 312244

New Bradwell School

Inspiring the learner in you

Year 3

Year 3 will be reading the range of books listed below, which covers all the subjects in this year's curriculum:

  • Stories from the Amazon
  • I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
  • Stuart Little
  • Exploring Space
  • Dinosaur Empire
  • Viking Express
  • The Lost Garden
  • The Railway Children
  • Journey
  • Little Wolf's Diary of Daring Deeds
  • The Happy Prince
  • Viking Myths
  • The Brontes

This term we will be covering the following topics:

Summer Term

English - Non-chronological report, letter, describing a scene, character description, narrative, biography, diary.

Maths - Geometry, Fractions (equivalent fractions, adding and subtracting fractions), Money, Time, Capacity.

Science - Space, Light and shadows, Plants (life cycle of a flowering plants, seed dispersal, pollination).

History - Space Race -significant events and people, Victorians, Industrial Revolution.

Geography - Types of maps, Atlas skills.

ICT - Continue to develop proficiency with Word 365.  ABC of Computing - Algorithms, Bugs and Code.  Introduction to email.  Introduction to programming with Scratch.

Art/DT - Textiles- designing and creating an applique picture, Drawing techniques- observational drawing, Theory of colour.

Music - Playing the recorder, read standard rhythmic notation and instrument control.  Play simple pieces on the recorder and learn about recorder music from 500 years ago.

PE - Athletics.

French - Numbers 1 – 31, revise days and months, saying our birthday date, colours and shapes, sports and simple opinions, instruments, places in town.

RE - Sikhism.

PSHE - Friendship and kindness.

Spring Term

English - 'Dinosaur Empire' (non-fiction graphic novel), 'Happy Prince' (classic tale), 'Journey' (adventure story with no words), 'Stuart Little' (classic novel).  Letter writing, character description, writing play-script, writing a narrative, dialogues.

Maths - Multiplication and division, statistics, money, length, fractions.

Science - Fossils, rocks, crystals, dinosaur classification, air resistance, friction, magnets.

History - Pre-history (Palaeolitihic, Mesolithic, Neolithic), Dinosaur era. History of USA (basic facts).

Geography - USA - map, landmarks, comparison with UK.  Milton Keynes - map, local landmarks, rivers, canals.  Bird migration.

Outdoor Learning - Bird migration/hibernation, temperature/weather/climate, planting.

Technology - Spiced biscuits. Autumn decorations. Viking long boats. Fossils.

ICT - Amazonian animals research. Set up and save Word document. Set-up and save a Powerpoint document.

Art/DT - Making fossils, clay sculptures, sketching techniques, shadowing, primary colours.

Music - Tuned percussion such as xylophones, metallophones and chime bars to develop an understanding of pitch.  Musical note names, play simple melodies and compose their own pitched patterns with given structure.  Singing and playing pentatonic tunes and combine pulse, rhythm and ostinato patterns.

PE - Hockey.  Football.  Dance.

French - Revise numbers 1 – 20, saying if we have a pet (revision), days, months, saying our birthday date, revise alphabet, saying if we have brothers and sisters. French celebrations.

RE - Christianity.

PSHE - Healthy Eating.  Emotions.  Medicines.  Asthma.  Bullying - see it, say it, stop it.

Autumn Term

English - Traditional stories from another culture (Amazon).  Newspaper reports and myths linked to Vikings.  Journey (adventure story with no words).

Maths - Place value.  Addition and subtraction to 100.  Addition and subtraction - column method.  Multiplication and division.

Science - Layers of the Rainforest.  Climate zones.  Human body - skeleton, muscles.  Temperature - weather.

History - Timelines.  Vikings - life, artefacts, villages, famous Vikings.

Geography - Continents and oceans - different maps.  Deforestation.  Human geography, Amazon.  Lands conquered by Vikings, Viking settlements.  Our journeys.

Technology - Spiced biscuits.  Autumn decorations.  Viking long boats.

ICT - Amazonian animals research.  Set up and save Word document.  Set-up and save a Powerpoint document.

Art - Shading techniques - lines and patterns.  Using different media to produce a picture.

Music - Exploring percussion.  Songs, rhythmic patterns, djembe drums.

PE - Dodgeball.  Gymnastics.

French - Colours.  Revision counting, days, greetings.

RE - Christianity.  Church: what does it look like, what happens there and why? (Includes prayer, worship, baptism, communion, marriage and pilgrimage).

PSHE - Emotions.  Medicines.  Asthma.  Bullying - see it, say it, stop it.


1.  Pond dipping

2.  Design and create a sculpture

3.  Story log painting

4.  Make a scrap book

5.  Watch a puppet show

6.  Learn a new playground game

7.  Make a puppet

8.  Fly a kite

9. Built a raft

10. Experience classic stories

11. Go for a long walk

12. Organise a drink and cake sale

13. Blowing bubbles

14. Collect a leaf and take rubbings

15. Toast marshmallows

16. Stories around a campfire

17. Watch a musical

18. Look at birds and nests

19. Scavenger hunt

20. Splash in muddy puddles wearing wellies

21. Got to the woods

22. Make an illustrated book

23. Grow bacteria

24. Learn to play an instrument

25. Make a musical instrument

26. Learn to play a card game

27. Play a board game

28. Go for a picnic

29. Fabric painting

30. Make a paper aeroplane

31. Run a mile

32. Visit a park

33. Put a up a tent

34. Visit a museum

35. Explore seeds and flowers

36. French skipping

37. Do a cartwheel

38. Make salt dough

39. Make a pop-up card

40. Bake biscuits

41. Make a healthy lunch

42. Grow own vegetables

43. Sketch a map

44. Play with a skipping rope

45. Flower pressing

46. Make an Advent calendar

47. Random acts o kindness

48. Read a story to a younger child

49. Perform as a class

50. Play truth and lie game.

Relevant to our year group.

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your teacher know!

Skeleton and Muscles
BBC site to help understand Science Autumn Term 1.
World Continents and Oceans Games
Brush up on your Geography knowledge!
A wide range of games and activities to try, covering English, Maths, Science, Geography, History and more.
Digger and the Gang
Nash's Adventures in English Maths and Science
Blue Peter
Can you kit out Barney, Lindsey or Radzi in the right outfit to face a Blue Peter challenge?