Bounty Street, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK13 0BQ

01908 312244

New Bradwell School

Inspiring the learner in you

Year 5 Planet Infographics


In Year 5 the pupils have been expanding their skills in laying out documents in Word and also trying alternative software to produce visual work. 

For this piece the children combined their classroom science lessons, a little bit of fact finding on the computers, and then used Canva to create infographics about the planets.

Canva is a powerful online application with a wide range of free content. It is popular with the children and allows them to use the layering and object manipulation skills they have learnt in Word and PowerPoint with new software. 

This was the first time the children had tried Canva and the results are really good. Please see the gallery below for the results of their work.

Please click the image below to open a gallery of work by Year 5.